Have You Tired Turning It Off and On Again?

One of my favorite things to do when I want to unwind is to curl up on the couch with my family and watch Netflix. We are currently alternating between binges of the Crown and our favorite Christmas specials… The Grinch, Charlie Brown, Frosty, they are all in the queue. And sprinkled in there are some favorites from the BBC.

There’s a British TV show called The I.T. Crowd that makes us laugh every time. A constant refrain on the show, whenever someone calls for assistance, the characters will ask, “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”  

We love this so much that we’ve adopted it into one of our inside jokes. Whenever my parents call to complain that their iPhone isn’t working properly we ask, “Have you tried turning it off and on again?”  It makes my husband and kids laugh, but it also works every time. Computer’s frozen, turn it off and on again. The printer won’t work, turn it off and on again. Video games aren’t playing correctly, turn it off and on again.  

I noticed this pattern repeating itself over and over again with all of our technological gadgets, but I never considered that I might need to do the same thing for myself. I had been working so many hours that I hadn’t considered that I could also use some time to turn myself off and on again.  

What about you? Have you spent so much time working and focusing on the needs of others that you haven’t taken the time to reboot?

When your car runs out of gas you stop to refill the tank, don’t you?

I mean, we’ve all tried to ride that fine line where we’re convinced that there’s enough gas left to get our errands done and make it home so that someone else can go fill the tank, haven’t we? But when it comes to our own gas tank we’re the only ones capable of knowing what we really need to refuel.  

Is it a long walk?
Reading a book?
An online class?

What is it that makes you feel good about getting out of bed and starting the day?

Every now and then we need to take the time to assess what we really want and what we really need to get there. Sometimes the answers might be as easy as turning yourself off and on again. And Halting the Hustle.

Let’s create real-world work-life balance with powerful strategies to work smarter not harder and the tools to put yourself and your family first this season while building your business.

Don’t you hate it when you discover yet another HOLIDAY IDEA but you have no idea how you’ll fit it in? 

Aren’t you frustrated with all of those workshops promoting a holiday open house and gift wrapping ideas as though THAT is the fix to your floundering business?

And have you reached that point where you want more time with the people you love this season because they were your REAL REASON for starting your business in the first place? 

If your answer is, “That’s me!” then we want to invite you to join our Divalution Nation and our HALT THE HUSTLE series this week inside our free Facebook Group.

What you DON’T need is another idea. What you WANT is a custom tool kit for your LIFE, where the focus is on your kids, your partner, your parents, your pets, your people. 

Would you like someone to come in and plan your holiday calendar and this week, in particular, to help you prioritize all the people and places that will demand your attention this season?

Would you kill for a simplified approach to prioritizing your business goals and your family’s needs without sacrificing profits or people? 

That is just what we are bringing you in HALT THE HUSTLE. A model to craft the holiday and the selling season that fits your LIFESTYLE.

We’d like to personally invite you to join us for 5 days of sisterhood, support, and simplicity. 

Together we are going to eliminate the overwhelm and create a beautiful holiday season. 

There will be a couple of success sheets to create YOUR ideal Holiday Survival kit… 

We’re doing this because you don’t have to sacrifice your sanity or your time to be a family-loving-business-building-profit-pulling-entrepreneur. 

  • You CAN build a business around your family
  • You never have to miss another important event to be a legit BOSS LADY
  • You do not have to be all things to all people ALL of the time 

We’ve supported thousands of direct sellers and small business owners in our New Success School to grow from frustrated to financially fit and profitable. 

But as this time of year approaches we hear the same fears year after year:

  • Will I be able to spend time with my kids?
  • Can I really afford to take a holiday break?
  • Won’t my business suffer if I sit back? 

We are going to support you in living in your Vision and working in the Reality of your calendar. You will put your priorities in place this week and you can work rather than worry. We can’t guarantee your success, but we can promise you a season of sanity if you’ll spend a little time with us. 

More time, more money, and most importantly more LOVE with the people who matter most.

Join our HALT THE HUSTLE series here >>>>>>> Have you tried turning it on and off again?